Ministry Note (March 13, 2022)

Families line up to be taken to a safe location away from the Ukraine/Moldova border.
Vlad writes:
These days have been full with activity on the borders of Moldova and Ukraine. I have helped with food, emotional support, blankets, guiding refugees, finding them accommodations, etc. I witnessed many dramatic scenes that took place on Ukrainian territory, as fathers sent their families [across the border] and they returned to fight. In these days, there were many people—a huge crowd. There were disabled people, children from orphanages, etc. At the moment, the war is in Nikolaev and [the Russians] are trying to attack Odesa… people have started fleeing from Odesa. I am glad that I had the opportunity to pray for people and to give them the Word of God (Bibles), because in these times God is needed and HE is the best help. I think that these days, while I was at the border, about 10,000 people passed by. Many of them came very far on foot to get to the border. There are many things to tell, but I will tell you gradually.
[Original message in Romanian:]
Pace sa aveți frați si surori In aceste zile am lucrat pe de plin la frontierele Moldova si Ucraina, am ajutat cu mâncare, susținere emoțională, plapume, ghidarea refugiaților, cazarea lor etc. Am fost martor la multe scene dramatice care sa întâmplat pe teritoriul Ucrainean, cum tatii își petrecea familia si el se întorcea înapoi sa lupte. In aceste zile au fost multi oameni, era îmbulzeala mare, au fost oameni invalizi, copii de la internat etc. Acuma la moment războiul este in Nicolaev si încearcă sa atace Odesa… oamenii au inceput sa fuga din Odesa. Ma bucur ca am avut ocazia sa ma rog pentru oameni sa le dau si Cuvântul Lui Dumnezeu, pentru- ca in aceste timpuri EL este necesar si Cel mai bun ajutor. Cred ca in aceste zile cit am stat la granița au trecut vreo 10000 mii de oameni. Multi din ei au mers foarte mult pe jos. Sunt multe lucruri de povestit dar le voi spune treptat

FGCI representative, Vlad Pogor, stands inside the border of Ukraine
as refugees cross into Moldova.

FGCI has been transporting hundreds of Ukrainian refugees into Moldova and Romania over the past two weeks. Many wives and children say goodbye to their husbands and fathers at the border.

Some of the blankets FGCI has purchased to give to Ukrainian refugees at the border.