So. Much. Has been happening! We are, quite frankly, overwhelmed, and your prayers are appreciated more than ever! BUT - God is good, all the time, and He's moving in mighty ways!
Summer Bible Camp season at Camp of the Good Shepherd has now come to a close. What a season! We had tons of kids, tons of fun, and tons of learning. Praise the Lord! If you haven't connected to the camp's Facebook Page, you should head on over there and "follow" the page so you can keep up with what's happening!
We are still providing a ministry of relief to Ukrainian refugees. The media may have quieted down about the war, but make no mistake, there are many, many people still in need of help.
A note from Joel:
Praise God! It seems that we are going to be receiving a large quantity of baking flour to distribute in Ukraine. Mihai and I have been working with an organization called Orphan Grain Train to get 24 tons of 25 kg bags of flour to give to needy Ukrainians. We will also be purchasing some cooking oil to go with the flour. I am praying that this will be the first of many collaborative projects with OGT in the future to help our work in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine. Orphan Grain Train is based in my old home town of Norfolk, Nebraska! They’ve been great to work with. Pray for all of those involved in this effort to get flour to the most needy folks in Ukraine.
Praise the Lord! IDES (International Disaster Emergency Services), of Indiana, has sent us the last part of their grant to us to help hungry and needy Ukrainian refugees and displaced Ukrainian for the months of July and August. Vlad and Mihai have both expressed much gratitude (passed along by Ukrainians with whom they’ve been working) for all of the support that IDES and FGCI have been sending to serve Ukrainians in need.
Please continue to pray for our kids in Romania and Moldova. We have not been doing as much with them over the past year as we would have liked, due to Covid and changes we’ve made in staff here in the States and over in Romania. God has also opened new doors of service with us among Ukrainians, as you have seen. Pray for the kids/adults in these countries that we may be the light of Jesus to them.
The pictures below are from both Vlad and Mihai, our representatives in Moldova and Romania.
THANK YOU for your support! You are a blessing! Don't forget to follow our Facebook page!