FGCI Latest News
We want you to keep up with our news and events! Here you'll see what's been happening in our ministry.
Hey, Friends of FGCI!
We are hosting a "Meet & Greet" for our new Fundatia-FGCI-Romania president Mihai Pungila, who is now visiting the States.
Join us at:
Camp of the Good Shepherd (Little Cedars Lodge)
Sunday, Feb. 20
Address: 10312 Agnew Road, Louisville, NE 68037.
Refreshments provided. Mihai to speak at 5PM.
December 30, 2020
Christmas 2020 at our Home of the Good Shepherd in Nisporeni, Moldova.
Vlad and Carolina Pogor (FGCI houseparents) sent us the following update and pictures.
"We want to tell you a little bit about how we spent Christmas. It was a wonderful and happy time for everyone in the house. We had a big meal, and we also invited Santa Claus. Thank you very much for the money for the gifts. The children greet you and say that they miss you very much. Thank you very much for everything you do for us. God bless you all!" - Vlad & Carolina
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director

December 30, 2020 Update
December 30, 2020
Christmas 2020 with our Roma (Gypsy) kids in Vulcanesti, Moldova.
Vlad Pogor (FGCI houseparent) sent us the following update and pictures.
"Peace be upon you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. First of all, I want to thank you for everything you do. For the wonderful gifts that the children and all the people in Vulcanesti received. I was the person who brought greetings and best wishes to all in Vulcanesti from FGCI. All your friends in Vulcanesti send you greetings and thanks for everything you are doing during this difficult period. For four months, the people in Vulcanesti had food and prayers [from you], this is super. Everyone is waiting for you. Carolina sang a Christmas carol. The children from Vulcanesti with the youth also had a special Christmas program. Thank you very much for your support and everything. May God bless you ten times over." - Vlad
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director

August 1, 2020 Update
August 19, 2020
FGCI Moldova Home of the Good Shepherd
Our Home of the Good Shepherd kids are getting ready for school. Vlad and Carolina Pogor, our FGCI Houseparents, sent us these fun pictures shopping for school clothes. Vlad wrote, "Thank you very much for the support you give us and for the money you sent for the clothes, the children were delighted and happy. We dressed all the children for the fall." In Moldova, school begins in September. Our kids are eager to go back. Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you for your support.
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director

August 1, 2020 Update

August 1, 2020 Update
SponsorLink Postcard Update - August 2020
FGCI works with Roma (Gypsy) children and young adults in Vulcanesti, Moldova. Seldom do kids from this village finish elementary school, let alone high school. Last year FGCI began sponsoring two Roma students who want to finish high school. Renata, pictured on the front, is one of those students. For $75/month (for 10 months) we can help Roma families pay school expenses and daily public transportation to school (8 miles one way). Before school starts in September, we are seeking donations to send more children and young adults like Renata to school in Nisporeni, especially now that the Vulcanesti elementary school may be closing down. We would also like to help Romanian students from the government orphanages by providing math tutors during their final year of high school.
If you would like to help with a monthly or one-time gift, please contact me or click on the SponsorLink button below.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director
July 27, 2020 Update
July 27, 2020
Providing food relief packages to struggling families in Vulcanesti, Moldova.
Moldovans have been hit hard by the continual Coronavirus lockdown. Many Roma (Gypsy) families have been unable to work for months now, and the little money they already had is quickly drying up. Due to the generosity of our sponsors, we have been able to provide food relief packages to many needy families in Vulcanesti, Moldova this month. [Vulcanesti is a Roma village with a population of more than 1000.] Vlad Pogor (FGCI houseparent at our Home of the Good Shepherd in Nisporeni) sent us the following message after he visited the first ten families with the pastor (Petru) and the youth group from the Vulcanesti church.
Vlad wrote,
“Hi, Joel and Jeremy. I want to tell you how it went with distributing the first set of food relief packages in Vulcanesti for ten families. We were a big team because I took the youth group from Vulcanesti with me to help deliver the packages. Indeed, many families in Vulcanesti need help. They live very poorly and some of them do not even have a stove to cook on; instead, they cook their food on bricks. I also went to some people who did not have anyone to visit them for a long time. They did not even have the opportunity to go to the store, because their health did not allow it. We prayed, told them about God, and invited them to church. People were crying when they saw us. For example, Mr. Vasile cried. He said that until we came to his house he couldn't get food, and he couldn't even walk because his legs were swollen. The youth group said that they liked it (delivering the food packets) very much, it was a good experience for them. Thank you very much for this help. Many people from Vulcanesti said that the food packages came at the right time.”
Vlad continues to deliver the rest of the food relief packages. I look forward to sending a few more updates from him soon.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director

June 10, 2020 Update

June 10, 2020 Update
Providing for orphans and widows in their time of need.
Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, many Romanians and Moldovans have suffered severe financial hardships, especially poor families and widows in small villages. More than 1,350 people have died in Romania and over 350 in Moldova. With the support of our sponsors, we have sent food and supplies to several poor families and government orphanages during the months of April and May. The picture to the left shows a widow from Zebil to whom we sent food via our Romanian staff.
If you would like to help us provide for needy children and families during the next several months, please contact me or click on the SponsorLink button below.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director
April Ministry Update from Mama Nootsie

April 28, 2020 Update
April 28, 2020 Update
April Update from FGCI's Home of the Good Shepherd in Nisporeni, Moldova
Vlad and Carolina Pogor, our houseparents, sent us the following update and pictures in April:
"Peace and greetings to all. We want to share with you what is happening in our home. The children are healthy and feel very good. We have daily online lessons. Veronica makes sweets and cakes for us every day. They are superb. We work outside every day. We painted the trees [to prevent bugs], we made the greenhouse bigger, and we planted seedlings. We have a wonderful and busy time with the children every day. This time has united us very much, and we are glad that the children feel like a family. Zina calls us mom and dad. She says she likes it very much here and does not want to go back [to her former home]. Thank you very much for the work you do, and for investing in the lives of these children. God bless you. And CHRIST IS ALIVE!"
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeremy Befort
FGCI Associate Director
You can become a SponsorLink sponsor for our Home of the Good Shepherd by clicking on the link below. Find out more at: https://www.fgci.org/sponsorlink

April 8, 2020 Update
April 8, 2020 Update
Sponsor food and supplies during the coronavirus.
As of April 8, Romania has 4,761 cases of coronavirus and 209 deaths. In Moldova they have 1,174 cases and 27 deaths. Both countries have declared a state of emergency and stay-at-home orders. The institutionalized children and adults we work with are confined to the government centers and apartments. Our Romanian and Moldovan workers are helping our kids as well as needy families during this time. Domnica Ristea (Mama Nootsie) has been in contact with the orphanage directors and has started sending them supplies. Vlad Pogor is delivering food and supplies to the Roma (Gypsy) families in Vulcanesti.

We are seeking help to continue to provide for needy children and families over the next several months. For orphanages, we would like to supply recreational activities for our kids. For low-income families, we want to put together boxes of essential supplies (rice, potatoes, oil, flour, etc.). Through your donation, we will be able to meet the needs of our kids and needy families through our international staff.
To find out more, please click on the button below.

March 31, 2020 Update